As part of the RGJV plan to increase grassland conservation in the Tamaulipan Brushlands (TB) ecoregion, staff have been working on the initial steps to develop a TB Conservation Investment Strategy (CIS). In a nutshell the CIS could be defined as ‘an overarching, landscape–level strategy that is used by regional partners to help guide their […]
The South Texas Grassland Restoration Incentive program is now open for enrollment in 2024!! Read more in the press release or the STX GRIP factsheet. To enroll or for more information, please refer to the technical assistance providers listed on p. 2 of the press release. “What’s good for the bird is good for the […]
The Rio Grande Joint Venture management board, staff, and guests enjoyed a field trip to Laguna de Santiaguillo during the August board meeting and learned a lot about this very important wetland in the state of Durango, MX. Both Ducks Unlimited Mexico (DUMAC) and Pronatura Noreste, (PNE) along with many other local partners, are working […]
During the Rio Grande Joint Venture Board Meeting in Durango, Mexico, Science Coordinator Rebekah Rylander presented a rough draft of a project tracking tool that was created using Esri-based online applications. The goal of the project tracking tool is to provide RGJV partners a place to share general locations of where they are performing habitat […]
A BRIEF REPORT BY JESÚS FRANCO ON PIF PUBLIC AWARENESS AWARD FOR MUSEO DE LAS AVES DE MÉXICO, JUNE 3, 2023: On June 3, 2023, Jesús Franco of the Rio Grande Joint Venture and American Bird Conservancy presented, on behalf of Partners In Flight (PIF), the 2022 Partners In Flight Public Awareness Award to the […]
During the spring and summer of 2023, the Rio Grande Joint Venture’s science coordinator Rebekah Rylander initiated the joint venture’s first season of monitoring in west Texas and second season of monitoring in south Texas. The 7 treatment sites surveyed in west Texas were on private properties involved with the Chihuahuan Desert Conservation Partnership (CDCP), […]