
Photo credit Víctor Zúñiga

What We Do

The Rio Grande Joint Venture partners work together to conserve birds, their habitats, and the ecosystems that support wildlife and people. Our Strategic Plan includes planning, designing, and implementing conservation actions, applied science, and effectiveness monitoring following the Strategic Habitat Conservation model for adaptive management and drawing from various state, regional, national, and international conservation plans. We work with scientists across our region and beyond to establish habitat goals, objectives, and decision-support tools for bird conservation. Our conservation partners then use these tools to implement conservation actions and achieve habitat objectives to sustain avian populations throughout our region.

Our Vision

The Río Grande Joint Venture is committed to maintaining a shared vision of the future and working together to achieve it. Our vision is:

The ecosystems across the binational Río Grande Joint Venture landscape support thriving and diverse communities of birds, other wildlife, and people into the future.

Enabling conditions that will allow us to achieve our vision are:

Our Mission

The mission of the Río Grande Joint Venture is:
To conserve birds and their habitats across our geography in the U.S. and Mexico.

We achieve our mission by:

Our Primary Goal

Conservation: Develop and implement a collaborative, science-based integrated approach to conserving land, surface water, and groundwater to stabilize populations of priority birds and improve their habitats and to also benefit other wildlife and people in the:

Our Supporting Goals

Coordination and Collaboration: Develop, nurture, and sustain the Río Grande Joint Venture as an organization that successfully coordinates and facilitates collaborative implementation of Strategic Habitat Conservation for our priority birds and habitats.

Communication, Education, and Outreach: Strengthen our ability to achieve Río Grande Joint Venture Conservation, Coordination, and Collaboration goals through strategic communication, education, and outreach.