To conserve birds and their habitats across the Río Grande Joint Venture region of the U.S. and Mexico
The Rio Grande Joint Venture brings people together across three Bird Conservation Regions to conserve ecosystems that support thriving and diverse communities of birds, other wildlife, and people.
Scientific Name: Geothlypis trichas
Population: 81 million
Trend: Decreasing
Habitat: Breeds in thick vegetation, especially in marshy areas. Winters in a wide variety of shrubby habitats.
In December 2023 and January & February 2024, the Rio Grande Joint Venture kicked off its first ever winter grassland bird monitoring season in west Texas. Two of Sul Ross State University’s Borderlands Research Institute graduate . . . Read More
As part of the RGJV plan to increase grassland conservation in the Tamaulipan Brushlands (TB) ecoregion, staff have been working on the initial steps to develop a TB Conservation Investment Strategy (CIS). In a nutshell the CIS could be defined as . . . Read More
The South Texas Grassland Restoration Incentive program is now open for enrollment in 2024!! Read more in the press release or the STX GRIP factsheet. To enroll or for more information, please refer to the technical assistance providers listed on . . . Read More